Politics & Campaigns

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72% of voters engage with digital campaigns, indicating the critical role of digital platforms in modern electoral processes.



Political campaigns that actively engage their supporters can see a 20% increase in donor contributions.



75% of constituents are more likely to vote for a candidate who actively engages with constituents through digital platforms​.


Knitted’s platform empowers political candidates, campaigns, and parties to streamline community engagement, consolidate and scale outreach efforts, connect your network, and build a stronger support base.

Comprehensive Resource Access

Knitted provides easy access to essential resources for your community, from voting locations to volunteering and everything in between, all with a secure member login.

Seamless Appointment Scheduling

Access the heart of platform services with ease. Knitted’s intuitive appointment scheduling connects your community to the services they need, fostering interaction, engagement, and value.

Scalable Content Management

Create, manage, and navigate your campaign’s content like never before. Knitted’s simple content creation process, search, and tagging allow you to create and spotlight the content that matters to your supporters and constituents. Whether it’s policy papers, press releases, or voter outreach materials, Knitted keeps your message clear and impactful.


Transition from the clutter of multiple applications to the clarity of Knitted's straightforward, effective approach. Here's how our community engagement platform bridges the digital with the personal to unite your community in a shared space:

Holistic Community Engagement

Knitted's platform transcends the digital divide, bringing members together both virtually and in person. Political candidates, campaigns, and parties can activate transformational experiences that bond supporters to the cause and to each other, whether they’re canvassing, attending rallies, or engaging through the platform.

Personalized Community Experience

Seamless Operational Integration

Personalized Community Experience

With Knitted, customize every aspect of your community experience. Many branding options and customizable roles mean that every interaction feels personal and directly connected to your campaign’s brand, ethos, and mission.

Seamless Operational Integration

Integrate Knitted with your existing systems for a seamless administrative experience. The platform's simplified sign-on process and effortless compatibility streamline operations, allowing staff to focus on providing exceptional platform services instead of juggling multiple tools.

Maximize Your Return on Community Investment

Investing in your community is about more than just the feel-good factor—it's about real, measurable returns. Our ROI calculator is designed to show you the potential savings and revenue growth that come from streamlining your community management and engagement processes.
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Short term ROI
Medium term ROI
Long term ROI
Calculation based upon Federally Funded Return on Investment Study: Community Technology Empowerment Project.

Ready to Transform Your Community Experience?

Discover the path to a more engaged, vibrant, and connected community. Embrace the future of community engagement with Knitted.
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